30 August, 2009

Shavua Toving

Well, Shabbos was wonderful as usual. Saw some old faces and met some new ones as well. It was a very "global" Shabbos since there were a bunch of out-of-towners visiting so there was definitely some lively discussion.

Three Shabboses this summer I've been asked to hold the Havdalah candle, and it is my understanding it is meant for single girls in the hopes they'll be married off soonish.

I'd kind of like to know more about the origin of this tradition, and its significance. Especially since I told my rabbis/rebbetzins not to set me up with anyone since I've only recently come out of a long term and miserable relationship, I might add.

It boggles my mind that they think I'm anywhere near ready to meet a nice bochur, since I still think I'm in that crazy mourning stage and could probably use a summer away at seminary before really considering dating seriously again. I'm totally over my ex but the scars left behind from the relationship could use some serious spiritual healing.

At least I bonded with a nice girl in a similar situation as me and we've agreed to learn together as well as hang out more this coming semester.

Shavua Tov, indeed.

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