17 May, 2009


The fights are getting to be too much. Every week we have at least one explosive fight with each other usually ending in him leaving.

Sometimes being with him makes me seriously contemplate suicide. I wish I'd never met him and and wasted these five years of my life. Every one of our fights somehow results in me crying (no wailing) loudly and he calls me a fucking bitch, to just shut up, and then keeps repeating, "Oh God I wish you would just STOP, you annoy me!"

I know I raise my voice a lot and sometimes it sounds like I'm yelling but I'm not. I've spent five years trying to tell him that and he's always taken it the wrong way.

But I don't deserve to be spoken to this way.

I wish people would understand why interfaith relationships never work out. I wish I had known before all this.

Only two more weeks and I'll be out for good.

Too bad it'll be years before I can trust men again.

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