04 September, 2009


This week at work has been rough. It's hard working for a shark, and the 50+ hour work week schedule gets to me. I'm looking forward to Shabbos, indeed!

But honestly, I can't complain as I have the best friends in the world. I try to do nice things for people I care about, but expect nothing in return. When they in turn show me immense gratitude it lights up my life so much.

In the past two days I've received a bunch of really sweet notes from friends thanking me for post cards I sent on my travels, and one friend who was completely blown away by some art I brought back from Israel for her.

I didn't think doing these things was a big deal. I mean, doesn't everybody write post cards and bring back souvenirs from their holidays?

Anyway, it just made me feel like a million bucks to know they care as much I care and could take a minute out of their busy schedules to do something that totally made my week.

I feel so very, very blessed.


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